

영화 정보

Magical Girl

19th(2014) Flash Forward

Women · Family · Social Criticism  

  • CountrySpain
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time127min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Luis’ sick daughter, Alicia wants the dress worn by the Magical Girl Yukiko, a character of a Japanese TV program, as a birthday gift. While trying to get the dress for his daughter, Luis meets a rich woman who is psychologically insecure and a teacher with a dark past. The three then get entangled in a huge event that will change their lives forever. Magical Girl focuses on a tragedy related to money. In an attempt to make his dying daughter’s wish come true, the father takes away the rich woman’s money. Consequently, it makes the audience angry, not with the father, but with society. In this context, the story indirectly describes Spain’s recent economic crisis and its dehumanizing effects. Its scenes and its characters are so calm and cold that the film seems to be painted with achromatic colors. The film, whose scenes are composed in a stable manner, is the one that drew the greatest attention in Spain this year. The first sequence appears again as the film’s epilogue, letting the audience know its true meaning. (RHEE Soue-won)
Bae Yong-Kyun
Born in Taegu, 1951. While studying fine arts he worked as assistant director on student films. After graduating he went on take a doctorate and now teaches Fine Art in Taegu. The script for his debut film Why Has Bodhi-Dharma left for the East? was written in 1981, five years before he managed to start making the film, which won the Golden Leopard at the 1989 Locarno Film Festival. His second film Black Soil, White People(1997) has had only limited screenings at home and abroad.
  • Director Bae Yong-Kyun 배용균
  • Producer Pedro Hernandez Santos, Alvaro Portanet, Amadeo Hernandez Bueno
  • Cast Jose Sacirstan, Barbara Lennie, Luis Bermejo
  • Screenplay Carlos Vermut
  • Cinematography Santiago Racaj
  • Production Design Montse Lacruz
  • Editor Emma Tusser
  • Sound Daniel De Zayas
  • Production Company Aqui y Alli

  • World Sales Films Distribution