

영화 정보

Clouds of Sils Maria

19th(2014) World Cinema


  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time123min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Maria is at the prime of her acting career, and decides to reappear in the film that made her famous 20 years ago. At the time, she had played the role of a young woman who leads her boss to suicide with her fatal attraction. Now she is playing the boss. To rehearse she retreats, with her assistant, to Sils Maria, a secluded town deep in the Alps. The film makes a candid statement about the situations facing actors as they age, and presents the life and psyche of a middle-aged actress. The camera portrays the different aspects of a professional agonizing over a role she accepted, as well as the subtle feelings she has as she looks upon her young assistant. Juliette Binoche is the star that makes this film shine with her charisma, and the “Maloja Snake” captured by Assayas’ camera towards the end of the film brings about a unique type of healing. This is a masterpiece created by French director Olivier Assayas and top actress Juliette Binoche. (RHEE Soue-won)
Olivier Assayas was born 1955 in Paris. After being a film critic with Cahier du Cinema, Assayas began making short films. His debut feature was Disorder(1986) and he found international success when he brought his interest in Asian cinema together with his passion for the French classics in Irma Vep(1996). His works include Summer Hours(2008); and Clouds of Sils Maria(2014).
  • Director Olivier ASSAYAS 올리비에 아사야스
  • Cast Juliette BINOCHE, Kristen STEWART, Chloe GRACE MORETZ
  • Screenplay OLIVIER ASSAYAS
  • Cinematography YORICK LE SAUX