

영화 정보

The Absent

19th(2014) World Cinema

Aging · Coming of Age · Psychology  

  • CountryMexico
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time77min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
An old man lives alone in a shabby cabin in a remote mountainous area of Mexico. His house is set to be demolished in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. He doesn’t know how to protect his house. Time goes by and one day a young man shows up on his doorstep. Looking exhausted, he starts his new routine here, cooking and doing laundry just like the old man. The Absent is a new feature by Nicolas Pereda, a leader of Mexico’s emerging young auteur filmmakers. Its minimal narrative links the old man, the young man and the space shared by them. Their relationship isn’t defined clearly, and is loosely connected to the landscapes upon which Pereda’s camera focuses. Just like the landscapes seen through the window, the old and young men seem to be linked to each other in psychological mise-en-abyme. Time, space, memories and inhabitance meet each other in the overlaid landscapes, thus making us enjoy one of the most magical moments that cinema could provide. (Jin PARK)
Nicolás PEREDA
Nicolás Pereda was born in Mexico City. He earned a Master’s Degree in film directing from York University in Toronto and his work has incorporated film, video, opera and dance. Pereda’s films include Where Are Their Stories(2007), Together(2009), Summer of Goliath(2010), Greatest Hits(2012), The Palace(2013) and Killing Strangers(2013).
  • Director Nicolás PEREDA 니콜라스 페레다
  • Producer Edgar San Juan
  • Cast Guadalupe Cardenaz, Eduard Fernandez, Gabino Rodriguez
  • Cinematography Diego Romero Suarez
  • Production Design Nohemi Gonzalez Martinez
  • Editor Aina Calleja
  • Sound Bernat Fortiana Chico
  • Production Company Film Tank
    Mexico zamora 169 despacho 9, col. hipodromo condesa

  • World Sales CARAVAN PASS
    France 363bis rue des Pyrénées, 75020 Paris