

영화 정보


20th(2015) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2008
  • Running Time110min
  • Format Film(35mm)
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Police chief Paul Bellamy is vacationing at his wife Françoise’s family estate, despite her wishes to get away from it all. As an inspector with a nearly insatiable thirst for mystery, Bellamy listens when a stranger appears at his door with a wild story about a beheaded corpse, a vagabond and an unfaithful business leader. On top of that, Bellamy’s alcoholic half-brother makes an appearance, bringing with him heightened family tensions. Claude Chabrol’s final film is a Hitchcockian drama about a man, played wryly by Gérard Depardieu, reflecting on a life defined by a constant need to ask questions.
Born in Paris in 1930, Claude Chabrol studied literature at the Sorbonne. He directed his first feature, the nouvelle vague film Le Beau Serge, in 1958. He also won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival for Les Cousins in 1959. Besides adventure films and psychological dramas he has often returned to the genre of the thriller, which enables him to set his critical eye on the French bourgeoisie. His films include Le Boucher (1969), Poulet au Vinaigre (1985), Madame Bovary (1991), La Ceremonie (1995).
  • Director Claude CHABROL 클로드 샤브롤
  • Producer Patrick Godeau
  • Cast Gerard Depardieu, Clovis Cornillac, Jacques Gamblin
  • Screenplay Odile Barski, Claude Chabrol
  • Cinematography Eduardo Serra
  • Production Design Francoise Benoit-Fresco
  • Editor Monique Fardoulis
  • Music Matthieu Chabrol
  • Production Company Aliceleo
    France 7, Rue Larrey Paris 75005

  • World Sales TF1 International
    France 6, Place Abel Gance 1 Quai du Point du Jour Boulogne Billancourt 92100