

영화 정보


20th(2015) Flash Forward

Family · Children · War  

  • CountryGermany,Kosovo,Macedonia,France
  • Production Year2015
  • Running Time104min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
In Kosovo, before the Balkan Wars erupt, Gesim, a cigarette-seller and father, suddenly leaves home. Ten-year-old Nori sets out for Germany, going through pitifully dangerous encounters in a harsh, stark country, only to find his unwelcoming daddy. Babai is a rare film from Kosovo, with universal themes of immigration and the father-son relationship as two axes. Rather than the usual hardships, humility and criminal aspects of immigration, this film digs into a more personal level of the impact east to west migration exerts on the family.The boy’s desperate pursuit of his dad, not to be abandoned, makes the viewers think about the problem’s seriousness anew. Perhaps the father’s reality forced him to flee from a patriarchal Kosovo society, only to face another dystopian reality and then the wounded son’s emotional despair. Taken together it creates a heartbreaking multi-faceted tragedy. This debut work, winner of Best Director Award at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, emphatically announced the birth of a new filmmaker. (RHEE Soue-won)
Born in Priština, Kosovo, Visar Morina is a graduate of the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. His films include Death by Suffocation (2010) and Of Dogs and Wallpaper (2013). Babai is his feature directorial debut.
  • Director Visar MORINA 비사르 모리나
  • Producer Nicole Gerhards
  • Cast Val Maloku, Astrit Kabashi, Adriana Matoshi, Enver Petrovci, Xhevdet Jashari, Alban Ukaj
  • Screenplay Visar Morina
  • Cinematography Matteo Cocco
  • Production Design Jutta Freyer
  • Editor Stefan Stabenow
  • Sound Igor Popovski
  • Music Benedikt Schiefer
  • Production Company NiKo Film
    Germany Prinzessinnenstraße 16, 10969 Berlin

  • World Sales Heretic Outreach
    Greece Promitheos 18, 15234, Chalandri-Athens