

영화 정보

Just for Laughs

20th(2015) Special Programs in Focus

Family · Love/Romance · Revenge  

  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year1997
  • Running Time100min
  • Format Film(35mm)
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Gaspard is a sports photographer. Alice is a successful lawyer. Nicolas is, for lack of a better word, an unemployed househusband. Gaspard and Alice are lovers, and Alice is married to Nicolas. This is the love triangle that anchors the ironically titled Just for Laughs. When Nicolas discovers Alice’s infidelity, he goes to comic but bittersweet extremes to befriend Gaspard and sabotage their relationship. A dramedy that jettisons genre convention in favor of insight and emotional complexity, Just for Laughs features a standout performance by Jean-Pierre Léaud as the desperate Nicolas.
Lucas Belvaux was born in Namur, Belgium and relocated to Paris in the late 1970s to become an actor. His career spans 30 years and work with Claude Chabrol, Chantal Akerman and Olivier Assayas. His directing filmography includes the genre-jumping trilogy One, Trilogy: Two and Three (2002), La Raison du plus faible (2006), Rapt (2009) and One Night (2012).
  • Director Lucas BELVAUX 뤼카 벨보
  • Producer Paulo Branco
  • Cast Ornella Muti, Jean-Pierre Leaud
  • Production Company Gemini Films

  • World Sales The Bureau Sales