

영화 정보

Song of the Exile

2nd(1997) Retrospective Section

Family · Urbanization · Psychology  

  • CountryHong Kong
  • Production Year1990
  • Running Time98min
  • Format 35mm
Program Note
Ann Hui’s autobiographical film. Hueyin returns to Hong Kong from England for her sister’s marriage. As she slowly opens up to her mother and starts to learn about her past, Hueyin begins to understand her mother
One of Hong Kong`s representative directors, Ann Hui started feature-making from the late seventies as a prominent member of the New Wave movement In Hong Kong, and was noted for revising the whole style and purport of local filmmaking with films like The Secret (1979), The Story of Wooviet (1980), and Boat People (1982). She went on to make a total of nineteen feature films including Summer Snow (1995) which won a Best Actress Award at the Berlin International Film Festival.
  • Director Ann HUI 허안화
  • Producer Jessintal Liu
  • Cast Maggie Cheung, Luk Siu Fun, Waise Lee
  • Screenplay Wu Nien-Jen