

영화 정보

Bulbul Can Sing

23rd(2018) A Window on Asian Cinema

Children · Social Criticism · Coming of Age  

  • CountryIndia
  • Production Year2018
  • Running Time95min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The film beautifully portrays miraculous moments in Bulbul’s oppressed life, a teenage girl living in India’s Assam region. The film depicts the power of pioneering a harsh life, close friendships and miraculous moments that look like fireworks in a surprising way. Bulbul’s desires to sing, love her peers, and fall in love are blocked by social demands and prejudices, and Sumu becomes ridiculed for violating gender boundaries. However, Bulbul and her friends enjoy the fullness of life, wandering in the fields and the rivers. Directed, filmed, and edited by Rima Das, the film captures the complexities of life and the places where life is laid in a unique style. The beautiful mise-en-scène, utilizing lamplight in the dark, and the motif of ghosts and water appearing frequently in movies, present death entangled with life, a world of uncertainty and the moment of miracle coexisting. Like the faces of characters appearing mysteriously in the dark, the characters played by non-professional actors maintain a simultaneously realistic and dreamlike attitude. Therefore, Bulbul, and we, can still sing. (Hong Soin)
Rima Das
A native of Assam and now based in Mumbai, India, Rima Das is a self-taught filmmaker and manager of independent production house Flying River Films. Her filmography includes Man with the Binoculars (2016) and the Golden Lotus Award-winning Village Rockstars (2017).
  • Director Rima Das 리마 다스
  • Producer Rima Das
  • Cast Arnai Das, Manoranjan Das, Bonita Thakuriya
  • Screenplay Rima Das
  • Cinematography Rima Das
  • Production Design Rima Das
  • Editor Rima Das
  • Sound Susmit Bob Nath
  • Production Company Flying River Films