

영화 정보

Beyond Silence

2nd(1997) World Cinema

Family · Music/Dance · Impaired  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time110min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The story is focused on Lara, the young daughter of deaf parents. Since earliest childhood she has been the bridge between her parents and the outside world. One day Lara is given a clarinet by her aunt Clarissa, an attractive woman full of zest for life. This opens her mind to the wondrous world of music and begins the slow process of leaving family life and childhood behind.
Caroline Link
Born in 1964, Caroline Link studied at the Academy for Film and Television in Munich. Her graduation film Summer Days (1990) won her the Kodak Advancement Prize at the Film Festival in Hof. In addition to her studies, she continued to work as assistant director and script author. In 1992 she made the children’s film Kalle der Traumer for German TV. In 1995 she began shooting Beyond Silence, the unusual story about a deaf couple and their musically talented child, which won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1998 among many other awards. In 1999, she made another moving story, Annalouise and Anton, which received the Bavarian Film Award.
  • Director Caroline Link 카롤리네 링크
  • Cast Sylvie Testus, Tatjana Trieb Howie Seago
  • Screenplay Caroline Link, Beth Serlin
  • Cinematography Gernot Roll BVK
  • Production Design Susann Bieling
  • Editor Patrica Ronnel
  • Sound Niki Reiser
  • Music Niki Reister
  • World Sales Bavara Film International