

영화 정보

The Funeral

2nd(1997) World Cinema


  • CountryUnited States
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time99min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
22-year-old Mafioso Johnny Tempio looks like a movie star as he comes swaggering out of the latest Humphrey Bogart picture. But Johnny
Abel Ferrara
Born in the Bronx in 1951, Ferrara began making Super-8 films as a teen-ager in New York with future screen-writing partner Nicholas St. John. His first feature film was The Driller Killer (1979). Following films include MS. 45 (1981), the thriller Fear City (1984), the sci-fi classic Body Snatchers (1994) and The Blackout (1997).
  • Director Abel Ferrara 아벨 페라라
  • Producer Mary Kane
  • Cast Christopher Walken, Chris Penn, Vincent Gallo
  • Screenplay Nicholas St.John
  • Cinematography Ken Kelsch
  • Production Design Charles Lagola
  • Editor Bill Pankow, Mayin Lo
  • Music Joe Delia
  • World Sales October Films, Inc.