

영화 정보

The Odd-Job Men

26th(2021) World Cinema


  • CountrySpain
  • Production Year2021
  • Running Time86min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Mohamed is a Moroccan young immigrant looking for a job in Spain. He becomes the assistant of Valero, a plumber, but soon tensions develop between the calm and silent Mohamed and the hot-tempered Valero, who dislikes foreigners. Mohamed assures himself that he can have a decent job after working for a week as an apprentice, but a week is never a short time. The Odd-Job Men depicts with unflinching realism the diverse lifestyles of Barcelona's widely divided social classes. The director blends realism with wit, dealing adeptly with social issues such as immigrants, job insecurity, and class division. The film sympathetically presents under-employed and marginalized people without making them the objects of pity or laughter. (Mann KIM)
Neus Ballús is a director for cinema and documentaries from Spain. She majored in film production and editing at the Pompeu Fabra University. Her first feature-length film, The Plague (2013) was screened at the Berlinale 2013 and received more than 20 awards in the film festivals around the world. In Spain the film won the main four Gaudí Awards in 2013: Best Movie, Best Director, Best Film Editing, and Best Screenplay and Ballús was also nominated for the Goya Prize for Best New Director. Staff Only (2019) premiered at the Berlinale, the European festivals BFI London, and Film Fest Gent. And in Spain, it was nominated to four Gaudí Awards. The Odd-Job Men won Best Actor at the Locarno Film Festival this year.
  • Director Neus BALLÚS 네우스 발루스
  • Producer Miriam PORTÉ
  • Cast Mohamed MELLALI, Valero ESCOLAR, Pep SARRÀ
  • Screenplay Neus BALLÚS, Margarita MELGAR
  • Cinematography Anna MOLINS
  • Editor Neus BALLÙS, Ariadna RIBAS
  • Sound Amanda VILLAVIEJA, Elena CODERCH
  • Music René-Marc BINI
  • Production Company Distinto Films
    Jonqueres, 16, 9B

  • World Sales Beta Cinema GmbH
    Germany Gruenwalder Weg 28d, 82041 Oberhaching / Munich