

영화 정보

The Land of Hope

17th(2012) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · War · Labor  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time134min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
If the only thing left after a massive disaster is hope, what could that hope be for? Sono Sion’s Land of Hope is a story about looking for hope where there is none. In Ohara village in Nakashima, Yoichi lives with his wife Izumi and his parents, making a living in stock farming. When an earthquake strikes and radiation leaks from a nearby nuclear power plant, the government draws a boundary line around the affected areas and issues an evacuation order. Yoichi’s house sits directly on boundary line. Yoichi’s father decides to remain in the house with his mother, suffering from dementia and after that the old couple live completely isolated lives. Yoichi and his wife are anxious all the time in the safe area; his parents are at peace. Ohara village, however, looks grotesque with its empty streets and vanished residents, as if it were the end of the world. What everyone is looking for is consolation rather than hope; being together and dying together. In that light the title, <Land of Hope>, is deeply paradoxical. (KIM Ji-Seok)
Born in Toyokawa, Japan, Sion Sono began his controversial career in 1978 as a poet, dropping out of Hosei University to concentrate on filmmaking. His films include <Guilty of Romance> (2011), <Love Exposure> (2008), <Noriko’s Dinner Table> (2005) and <Suicide Club> (2001).
  • Director Sion SONO 소노 시온
  • Producer KUNIZANE Mizue, SADAI Yuji, SHIOMAKI Yuko
  • Cast NATSUYAGI Isao
  • Screenplay SONO Sion
  • Cinematography MLKI Shigenori
  • Production Company Bitters End. Co., Ltd.
    Japan 3F 13-3 Nanpeidai Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

  • World Sales Pictures Department Co., Ltd.
    Japan 1003-3-H, Horiuchi, Hayama, Miura, Kanagawa 240-0112 JAPAN