

영화 정보


2nd(1997) Retrospective Section


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1997
  • Running Time120min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Police detective Segun specializes in chasing womem. Discontent with her marriage, Eun-Young dreams of the freedom to open her inner desires. The two fall instantly in love, bringing about fatal results. Segun finds that beneath her vunerable femininity lies strong currents of sexual desire. Segun tries to change his desultory ways with a new approach to love.
JUNG Ji-young
Chung Ji-young was born in Cheongju and studied film at Dongguk University and later at Korea University. He has been an active within the industry on issue such as censorship and the Korean screen quota. His filmography includes Mist Whispers Like Women(1982), North Korean Partisan in South Korea(1989), White Badge(1992), and Life of Hollywood Kid(1994).
  • Director JUNG Ji-young 정지영
  • Production Company Shin Do Film