

영화 정보

The Long Journey

2nd(1997) A Window on Asian Cinema

Road Movie · Social Criticism · Capitalism · War  

  • CountryVietnam
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time90min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
It is 1981, six years after Vietnam‘s war of reunification. The spirit of revolution has been forgotten as Vietnam faces a difficult economy. Director Le Hoang emphasizes the old social values of honor and cooperation in the story of Tan, a former Viet Cong who travels to the home village of his friend Thai, with his remains for burial. Tan meets many people on his journey, When Tan takes a taxi after missing the train, he learns that the driver was a Southern Army soldier, Former enemies, Tan and the taxi driver find reconciliation. Mien, a former soldier is now a trader: Mien carries material goods, and Tan carries the spirit of a friend. In these meetings, Tan sees booth the dark reality and hopes of Vietnam. Children sing from a kindergarten that was once a battlefield, offering future hope, but also a reminder that revolutionaries of the past have been forgotten. The travelers never forget the meaning of prayer, as seen in ceremonies for the dead. The Long Journey looks at the crisis of the revolutionary mind with the message that the overflow of materialism has resulted in a reality full of smugglers and corrupt bureaucrats. Though the theme is simple. The Long Journey is road movie full of unusual experiences. (Kim Ji-Seok)
Le Hoang
Born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1956. Graduated from the Hanoi Cinema and Stage College in 1982, he written several scenarios for the documentary films and feature films. In 1995, he directed his first feature film [The Knife[. He is in charge of Deputy General Secretary, Association of Vietnamese Filmmakers from 1995.
  • Director Le Hoang 르황
  • Producer Tran Thanh Hung
  • Cast Nguyen Cong Ninh, Moc Mien
  • Screenplay Nguy Ngu
  • Cinematography Pham Hoang Nam
  • Production Design Pham Nguyen Can
  • Editor Cam Van
  • Sound Vo Trong Tuan
  • Music Pham Minh Tuan
  • World Sales Hang Phim Giai Phong Film Studios
    212 Ly Chinh Thang St., Dist. 3 31st Ho Chi Minh Ctiy, Vietnam