

영화 정보

Life Sentence

17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryMexico
  • Production Year1979
  • Running Time95min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
A pickpocket who has been released from prison tries to start a new life but he cannot escape from the shadow of his past. While the main character is being haunted by his past and his nemesis, the director is stinging the corrupt governmental authority of Mexico. Compared to the other Ripstein's films, <Cadena perpetua> execeptionally lacks familiar bondage but still focuses on the theme of captivity. In the last scene, the man who is to serve a life sentence throws a question to the Mexican society, and to all of us as well. (RHEE, Soue-won)
After graduating from the National Autonomous Film School in Mexico, Ripstein started working as an assistant director for Luis Buñuel. For his first feature film <Tiempo de morir> (1966), he worked with Gabriel García Márquez, one of the greatest writers in Central and South Americas. Later on, he founded the Mexican Independent Film Group along with Felipe Cazals and Rafael Castanedo and insisted on his experimental independent production up to the early 1970’s. Through a career spanning 30 films, including <El castillo de la pureza> (1973), <Principio y fin> (1993) and <Profundo carmesí> (1996), he became widely known on the global film festival scene famous for films in which relationships transcend taboos and convention.
  • Director Arturo RIPSTEIN 아르투로 립스테인
  • Cast Armendariz Jr. Pedro, Busquets Narciso, Gomez Cruz Ernesto, Chain Angelica, Ofelia Murguia Ana
  • Screenplay Lenero Vicente , Ripstein Arturo, Spota Luis
  • Cinematography Stahl Jr. Jorge
  • Production Design Fernandez Jorge, Isaac Lucero
  • Editor Ceballos Rafael
  • Music Pous Miguel
  • Production Company IMCINE
    Mexico Insurgentes Sur #674, Col. Del Valle, Benito Juarez, Distrito Federal, Mexico CP.03100

  • World Sales IMCINE
    Mexico Insurgentes Sur #674, Col. Del Valle, Benito Juárez, Distrito Federal, México CP.03100