

영화 정보

The Legends of Love

5th(2000) A Window on Asian Cinema

Love/Romance · War · Politics/Conspiracy  

  • CountryIran
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time83 min
  • Format 35mm
  • Colorcolor
Program Note
Hollywood often condemns Iran as a country of terrorists, however the Iran that we see in their cinema is peaceful, beautiful and philosophical. A land endlessly tormented by war and conflict, yet the Kurds who live there are simple and warm. One day, medical school student, Horam leaves for war zone, Boonan. His girlfriend, Khazar cannot figure out why he had to leave, but her sadness drives her all the way to Boonan to find him. The steep mountains she climbs and the hills she treks over is a place where the bittersweet legends of the Kurds and their struggle for independence co-exist. And through this, Khazar comes to understand the lives and deaths of the people of this land, and why Horam had to fight. Following in the footsteps of his countrymen who have become worldwide figures in world cinema such as Kiarostami and Makhmalbaf, Farhad Mehranfar once again opens the horizon of Iranian cinema. The mystical The Legend of Love, is another poetic Iranian film dealing with the theme of ′road,′ but one that is more political and experimental than its predecessors. (Yu Hyun-Mi)
Farhad Mehranfar
Born in 1959 in Bandar Anzali, Mehranfar is a graduate of the College of Art. He has made 23 documentaries and short films including a series of The Cities of Iran. His feature works include Paper Airplanes(1997) and The Tree of Life(1998). The Legend of Love is his third feature film.
  • Director Farhad Mehranfar 파르하드 메흐란파르
  • Producer Mohammad-Reza Sarhangi
  • Cast Maryam Moqadam, Yusef Moradian, Hawass Palouk
  • Screenplay Farhad Mehranfar, Mohammad Rezaeei-Rad
  • Cinematography Nader Masoomi
  • Editor Sharzad Pooya
  • Sound Farrokh Fadaee
  • Music Ali Kohan Deiry
  • Production Company CMI International
    64, Hedayat st, Yakhchal, Tehran 19497, Iran

  • World Sales CMI International
    64, Hedayat st, Yakhchal, Tehran 19497, Iran