

영화 정보

Beautiful 2012

17th(2012) A Window on Asian Cinema

Urbanization · Women · Psychology  

  • CountryHong Kong,China,China
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time90min
  • Format HDCAM
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Chinese Internet TV site Youku produced this omnibus film incorporating the works of some of Asia’s best filmmakers: Kim Tae-yong, Tsai Ming-Liang, Gu Changwei and Ann Hui. The film begs the question, “What is beautiful?” and attempts to answer it with four very distinct short films. Life and death, happiness and misery, going to and fro from these themes, the answer is not all that grandiose. A well-intended white lie reveals an important truth in Kim’s <You Are More Than Beautiful>, and respect for someone one hates is found in Hui’s <My Way>. Both films show the protagonists being forced to face unacceptable circumstances by gaining the courage to accept. Gu Changwei’s <Long Tou> and Tsai Ming-Liang’s <Walker> paint beautiful images as if on a canvas. The contrast between the slow gait of a monk as he obtains his daily nourishment against the fast paced cityscape of Hong Kong in Walker calls to mind the question “What is beautiful?” once again. (PARK Jinhee)
Ming-Liang TSAI
Tsai Ming-Liang was born in Kuching, Malaysia. He studied film and drama at the Chinese Culture University. His film [Vive L′Amour] won the Golden Lion at the 1994 Venice Film Festival. He won the Berlin Silver Bear for [The Wayward Cloud.] In 2009 his tenth film, [Face,] was selected for competition at Cannes.His films included [The Hole](1998),[Good Bye, Dragon Inn](2003), [I Don′t Want To Sleep Alone](2006)
Changwei GU
GU Changwei was born in China in 1952. An acclaimed cinematographer, he has worked with some of the most important 5th Generation Chinese directors in works such as Red Sorghum (87), Ju Dou (90), In the Heat of the Sun (94) and Devils on the Doorsteps (00).In 2004, he made his first feature “Peacock”. His Films included “And the Spring Comes” (2007), “Life Is A Miracle”(2010).
Tae-yong KIM
Born in 1969, Tae-yong Kim graduated from Yonsei University and the Korean Academy of Film Arts in 1998. Acclaimed for his film [Memento Mori](co-directed with Kyu-dong Min), he made various works such as [Pass Me and Twentidentity](2004), a digital omnibus film. [Family Ties] (2006), a feature film, had a unique story structure that appealed to viewers in a profound way. [Late Autumn](2011) received the Award for Best Director and Best Actress at Korean and international film festivals.
  • Director Ming-Liang TSAI 차이밍량, Ann HUI 허안화, Changwei GU 구 창웨이, Tae-yong KIM 김태용
  • Cast GONG Hyo-jin, LEE Kang-Sheng, YAN Lianke, NG Francis
  • Production Company & The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society
    Hong Kong, China 21/F., Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  • World Sales The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society
    Hong Kong, China 21/F., Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong