

영화 정보

Like Someone in Love

17th(2012) A Window on Asian Cinema

Aging · Love/Romance · Psychology  

  • CountryJapan,France
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time109min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The flow of delicate emotions from a retired professor who meets a young woman is rich in director Abbas Kiarostami’s Japan-set and staffed <Like Someone in Love>; the conversations about the desire for youth and alienation filmed in such a way as to gives the impression of a daydream. Akiko works as an escort to pay off her tuition. One of the visits to which she drags her tired body is to a retired professor, dakashi, and what they engage in together is conversation. The next day, dakashi meets Akiko’s boyfriend Noriaki, and he winds up protecting her from the obsessed man. What dakashi wanted from Akiko was not a sexual relationship but a personalized one; what he wanted to do was to have a conversation with her and to help her. However, like the window broken by a rock that Noriaki threw, dakashi’s role was just a daydream. Still, dakashi’s heart fluttered when he first met Akiko, and it was a lovely feeling for him. Was he really in love? (KIM Ji-Seok)
Acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami was born in Tehran and graduated from the College of Fine Arts and worked initially in graphics and advertising. His filmography includes <Certified Copy> (2010), <Ten> (2002), the Palme d’Or-winning <Taste of Cherry> (1997) and <The Wind Will Carry Us> (1999).
  • Director Abbas KIAROSTAMI 압바스 키아로스타미
  • Producer GILLIBERT Charles, KARMITZ Nathanael, KIAROSTAMI Abbas
  • Cast KASE Ryo, Denden, TAKANASHI Rin, OKUNO Tadashi
  • Screenplay KIAROSTAMI Abbas
  • Production Company Euro Space
    Japan KINOHAUS, 1-5 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0044

  • World Sales Fintage House Company
    Netherlands Stationsweg 32 2312 AV Leiden