

영화 정보

Holy Motors

17th(2012) World Cinema


  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time116min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Oscar’s day is filled with going back and forth between several lives. He is at the top of his industry, an assassin, a beggar and a monster and simultaneously a loving husband and father. He is accompanied only by Celine, his limo driver who takes him to all corners of Paris. What is his true home; who is his family? The film “opens” with Carax waking up from a dream and looking down upon the theater. It’s a shot that is filled with a thousand emotions. From this moment forward, we watch the filmmaker’s alter ego Denis Lavant play out the nine transformations of Oscar, thus facing the true portrait of a modern man. As always, his performance is almost lethal in intensity. There is significance in revisiting Carax and Lavant’s cinematic journey via the parallel realities and the episodes that take place on the other side. The director’s latest film in 13 years after <Pola X>(1999) is filled with scenes that will satisfy the senses and leave an imprint in the psyche. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Since his first feature <Boy Meets Girl> (1984) was released to critical acclaim at the Cannes Film Festival, Leos Carax has been noted for his poetic style, stunning visual and focus on young love and alienation. After the continuous success of <Mauvais sang> (1986), <Les Amants du Pont-Neuf> (1991) and <Pola X> (1999) he went into a decade hiatus and finally returns with the long-awaited feature film <Holy Motors>.
  • Director Leos CARAX 레오스 카락스
  • Producer MARIGNAC Martine
  • Cast LAVANT Denis, SCOB Edith, MINOGUE Kylie, MENDES Eva, PICCOL Michel
  • Screenplay CARAX Leos
  • Cinematography CHAMPETIER Caroline, CAPE Yves
  • Editor QUETIER Nelly
  • Sound RODRIGUEZ Josefina
  • Music HANNON Neil
    France 52 rue Charlot 75003 Paris

  • World Sales WILD BUNCH
    France 99 rue de la verrerie 75 004 Paris