

영화 정보

In the Fog

17th(2012) World Cinema


  • CountryGermany,Russia,Latvia,Netherlands,Belarus
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time128min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The story is based in an incident in Belarus during the WWII when the tension between Germany and Russian peaked. A railroad worker Sushenya is kidnapped by a guerilla. A train derailed and the guerilla cited Susenya cooperating with German army. However, there is a turnaround when one of the members of the guerilla is shot dead before the execution. The movie, <In the Fog> narrates what has happened to the main characters including Sushenya in the form of flashback. The narrative is paired with historical context and the style helps in understanding that the incident is not someone’s fault, but rather, one of the horrible scenes of warfare. Whether they are guerilla with burning hearts of patriotism or German soldiers who torment the people, they role-play in the scene of a war. Among them stands Sushenya. Interestingly, the person who survives through the chaos happen to be Sushenya, a powerless worker. The film director Loznitsa tells that life goes on with ordinary people. (LEE Sang-yong)
Born in Belarus, Loznitsa has been making documentary films since 1996. He has received numerous national and international awards, including festival prizes in Karlovy Vary, Leipzig, Oberhausen, Paris, Madrid, Toronto, Jerusalem, St- Petersburg, as well as the Russian National Film awards Nika and Laurel. In May 2010, Loznitsa’s feature debut <My Joy> premiered in the main competition at the Festival de Cannes and was awarded the Best Director’s prize. The film went on to win a number of other prestigious awards around Europe.
  • Director Sergei LOZNITSA 세르게이 로즈니차
  • Producer DECKERT Heino
  • Cast SVIRSKI Vladimir, ABASHIN Vladislav, KOLESOV Sergei, IVANOV Vlad
  • Screenplay LOZNITSA Sergei
  • Cinematography MUTU Oleg
  • Production Design ZHUKOVSKIS Juris
  • Editor KOKANAUSKIS Danielius
  • Sound GOLOVNITSKY Vladimir
  • Production Company fiction
    Germany Marienplatz 1 04103 Leipzig

  • World Sales The Match Factory GmbH
    Germany Balthasarstrasse 79 - 81 / 50670 / Cologne