

영화 정보

After Lucia

17th(2012) World Cinema

Family · Crime/Violence · IT/VR  

  • CountryMexico
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time102min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Roberto who lost his wife in an accident and Alejandra, his teenage daughter, start a new life in Mexico City. Roberto finds a job as a chef and Alejandra seems to adjust to her school life well. However, her video taken with a male student at a party for fun is circulated on the internet and she is bullied by everyone. This film allows the audience to reflect on relationships and violence. At the beginning, the camera silently focuses on a car and the reason is revealed as the story goes by. Likewise, important elements of the film are expressed through silence and mise en scene rather than by dialogues. In sum, the film shows amazing moderation. Each frame seems to be tailor-made and appropriate and the characters′ acting is not exaggerated. For a husband who lost his wife and a daughter who lost her mother, it is not easy to go back to their normal life. What the father does at the end is a ruthless choice made by the director describing human psychology. This last scene clearly demonstrates the talent of the director who won the Prix Un Certain Regard at Cannes Film Festival after making only two feature films. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Born in Mexico City in 1979, Michel Franco started making short films after finishing media studies. In 2001, his short C<uando Sea Grande>, made for an anti-corruption campaign, was released in 500 cinemas all over Mexico, and in 2003 his short <Entre Dos> won the Grand Prize at the Festival of Huesca and awarded Best Short Film at the Festival of Dresden. His first feature,<Daniel and Ana>(2009), was well received both critically and with audiences at an international level.
  • Director Michel FRANCO 미셸 프랑코
  • Producer Constandse Marco Polo, Franco Michel, Fridman Alexis, Menasse Elias, Rovzar Billy, Rovzar Fernando, Sol Juliette
  • Cast Tessa La, Vega JR. Gonzalo, Yazbek Tamara, Mendoza Hernan
  • Cinematography Chavez Chuy
  • Editor Ayala Antonio Bribiesca
  • Production Company Pop Films

  • World Sales BAC Films
    France 88 rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011 PARIS