

영화 정보

Parajanov: The Last Spring

17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryArmenia,United States
  • Production Year1992
  • Running Time55min
  • Format (Digi)Beta
  • ColorColor/B&W
Program Note
Parajanov’s last days recorded by his old friend and filmmaker Mikhail Vartanov. It is a valuable opportunity to see the footage from Parajanov’s unfinished last work <The Confession>, which combines the script written in the 60s with his childhood memories of cinema and life stories. Through the conversations with Vartanov, he also gives an honest account behind his major works, his past life and reflections on art. Upon its release, the film was regarded as the best understanding of Parajanov’s life. It is the last of Vartanov’s trilogy which deals with people, following <Erased Faces> (1987) and <Minas: A Requiem> (1989). (CHO Young-jung)
Vartanov developed a method of documentary filmmaking termed 'direction of undirected action' and his work as a documentarian, cinematographer and essayist became revered through such timeless films such as <The Color of Armenian Land> (1969), <Seasons> (1975), <Parajanov: The Last Spring> (1992) and a collected essays of <The Unmailed Letters>. His trilogy on artists is <Erased Faces> (1987), <Minas: A Requiem> (1989), and <Parajanov: The Last Spring> (1992).
Born in Tibilisi, Georgia in 1924 to Armenian parents. After studying film and music, he became an assistant director at the Dovzhenko Studios in Kiev, making his directorial debut in 1954. In 1964 with <Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors>, he was recognized a startling genius. Followed this up with the even more innovative <Color of the Pomegranate> (1968), but he was imprisoned most of the 1970s with the conflict with the authority. Returned with <Legend of Suram Fortress> (1986), he proved that he is indeed the greatest master of the 20th Century. He passed away in 1990 with cancer.
  • Director Mikhail VARTANOV 미카일 바르타노프, Sergei PARAJANOV 세르게이 파라자노프
  • Cast PARAJANOV Sergei, CHIAURELI Sofiko
  • Screenplay VARTANIANTZ Martiros
  • World Sales Parajanov-Vartanov Institute
    United States POB 17257, Beverly Hills, California 90209