

영화 정보


17th(2012) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · True Story · Politics/Conspiracy · Psychology  

  • CountrySriLanka,United States
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time73min
  • Format (Digi)Beta
  • ColorColor
Program Note
This film is based on the life of photographer and journalist Kumara. Kumara takes asylumin the United States after his life is threatened because of his anti- government writings. In the foreign land that is the U.S., he leads an empty shell of a life working as a car attendant by day and a flower vendor by night. Although he endures this life to protect his principles and beliefs, his heart is with his family in his homeland. Memories of his loved ones permeate his daily thoughts; he converses with them as himself immediately before his departure and as himself many months later. director Linton Semage is an actor, choreographer and playwright and made his directorial debut in 1999. Thereafter, he relocated to the U.S. and has made several feature films. Through the portrait of an intellectual who must give up his homeland and family to live in a strange place, Semage brings to light the issue of political strife and existential solitude with a delicate touch. (KIM Byeongcheol)
Actor, dancer, and filmmaker Linton Semage was born in Sri Lanka and now lives in the United States. His early work in theater won him two National Awards in 1991 for his drama, <Five Weapons>. His filmography includes <Pickpocket> (2002) and <The Outcast> (1999).
  • Director Linton SEMAGE 린턴 세마쥬
  • Producer KIRIBATHGALA Anura
  • Cast SEMAGE Linton, NICHOLS Mark, SEMAGE Thimari, SEMAGE Randula, THENUWARA Thamara
  • Screenplay SEMAGE Linton
  • Cinematography NICHOLS Mark
  • Production Design SEMAGE Thimari
  • Editor SAMARASEKERA Hareendra
  • Music MANAGODAGE Sudesh
  • Production Company AS Production
    United States 6712 Selma Avenue, Apt 3 Los Angeles, CA, 90028