

영화 정보


17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryUK
  • Production Year1966
  • Running Time113min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
Polanski’s third feature is a subversive send-up of a gangster story, heavily influenced by surrealists and the theatre of absurd (the film’s initial title was Waiting for Katelbach, clearly referencing Beckett). It is an early variation on one of Polanski’s favourite motifs ? the power play between the characters, where the role of the victim and the victimiser constantly changes. As usual with Polanski’s cinema, the action takes place at a closed space ? not as claustrophobic, as the boat in Knife in the Water or the apartments in Repulsion, <The Lodger or Carnage>, but inescapable nonetheless. (Michał CHACI?SKI)
Director, actor and screenwriter, whose first film <Knife in the Water> (1962) is considered among the best films in Polish cinema’s history; common theme of his films is the master/servant power play and the toxic bounds between characters. Directed such classics as <Chinatown> (1974), <Rosemary’s Baby> (1968) or <The Pianist> (2002) for which he received the Golden Palm in Cannes and Oscar for best direction.
  • Director Roman POLAŃSKI 로만 폴란스키
  • Producer Waynberg Sam
  • Cast Pleasence Donald, Dorleac Francoise, Stander Lionel, MacGowran Jack, Quarrier Iain
  • Screenplay Brach Gerard, Polanski Roman
  • Cinematography Taylor Gilbert
  • Production Design Voytek, Lack George
  • Editor McIntyre Alastair
  • Sound Campling David
  • Music Komeda Krzysztof
  • World Sales Hollywood Classics
    United Kingdom Linton House 39/51 Highgate Road London NW5 1RT