

영화 정보

In Darkness

17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryPoland,Germany,Canada
  • Production Year2011
  • Running Time143min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Agnieszka Holland works hard to avoid the cliches in a story that could be regarded as iconic. First of all, she refuses clear division of characters based on moral grounds (good or evil). Instead she presents main characters as humans with their own agendas and flaws of character. She also manages to make the protagonist’s transformation plausible through a fantastic performance by Robert Wieckiewicz. The film’s stylistic choices are of great importance here: as a lot of the narrative takes place in the sewers, sometimes literary in darkness, the sound design and the great cinematography from Joanna Dylewska put the viewer in the place of the protagonists greatly adding to the realism of the presentation. (Michał CHACI?SKI)
Agnieszka HOLLAND
The most prominent Polish female director, although majority of her film and TV work is produced abroad. She first established her name as a close co-operator of Andrzej Wajda and Krzysztof Zanussi, but quickly proved a multi-talented filmmaker herself. <Angry Harvest> (1985) and <Europa, Europa> (1990) helped raise her international profile.
  • Director Agnieszka HOLLAND 아그니에슈카 홀란드
  • Producer Danowski Wojciech, Shamoon David F., Woebken Dr. Carl, Fisser Christoph
  • Cast Wi?ckiewicz Robert, Furmann Benno, Grochowska Agnieszka, Schrader Maria, Knaup Herbert
  • Cinematography Dylewska Jolanta
  • Production Design Prib Erwin
  • Editor Czarnecki Michał
  • Production Company ZEBRA Film Studio,The Film Works Ltd.,SCHMIDTz KATZE FILMKOLLEKTIV GmbH
    Germany Schonhauser Allee 163 Berlin 10435

  • World Sales Beta Cinema GmbH
    Germany Gruenwalder Weg 28d 82041 Oberhaching / Munich