

영화 정보

Dormant Beauty

17th(2012) World Cinema


  • CountryItaly,France
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time110min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Eluana Englaro, who has lived in a vegetative state for 17 years now faces death and throws Italia into a chaos. A member of the upper house feels confused before voting on a bill on euthanasia. A famous actress has a daughter who is in coma. A drug-addicted woman tries to take her own life. The stories of these characters are carefully interwoven to ask the audience the meaning of life. The new film made by the Italian master Marco Bellocchio is an excellent work relating the classic 『The Sleeping Beauty』 to the sensitive issue of euthanasia. The three stories edited with the master's delicate rhythm suggest different viewpoints on euthanasia and encourage the audience to reflect on the issue. The mysterious aspect of the film makes it shine even more. There are three sleeping beauties but only the one chosen by the director wakes up. In this context, the first shot of the film is not to miss. Based on a real story from November 2008, the film lets the audience enjoy the acting of great actors including Isabelle Hupert, Tony Servillo and Alba Rohrwacher. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Piacenza-born Bellocchio suspended his studies in philosophy at the Catholic University in Milan in 1959 to enrol at Rome's Experimental Center for Cinematography. In 1962 he made the short films <La colpa e la pena> (1961) and <Ginepro Fatto Uomo> (1962). He then transferred to London's Slade School of Fine Arts. His feature-length debut, <Fists in the Pocket>, screened at Locarno in 1965 and attracted international attention. In 2011 he received the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice International Film Festival.
  • Director Marco BELLOCCHIO 마르코 벨로키오
  • Cast HUPERT Isabelle, ROHRWACHER Alba, SERVILLO Tony
  • Screenplay BELLOCCHIO Marco, RAIMO Veronica, RULLI Stefano
  • Sound CARITO Gaetano
  • Music CRIVELLI Carlo
  • Production Company CATTLEYA production
    Italy Piazzale Valerio Massimo 7/8, 00162 Roma

  • World Sales Celluloid Dreams
    France 2 rue Turgot, 75009 Paris