

영화 정보

Post Tenebras Lux

17th(2012) World Cinema


  • CountryMexico,France,Netherlands,Germany
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time120min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Juan and his family leave the big city and settle in an area outside of Mexico. There, they experience the two remote worlds of pleasure and pain. Whether these two worlds are complementary or mutually exclusive remains a question to be answered. Carlos Reygadas’s new film, like his previous works, depicts a world ruled by the senses and the majesty of primitive nature. The opening sequence also serves as the prologue, and the brillant mise-en-scene never loses its force till the end. The scene set in the public baths leaves a strong impression while serving as an axis that guides the narrative: sensuality and pleasure. The camera playfully carries its bold vision on this mysterious human affair, where the question of good and evil and of human guilt is combined with the very real problems of the world outside. And more than anything else, the beginning and the end scenes are filled with transcendence and originality that is befitting of the master filmmaker Reygadas, who has gained a strong foothold in the global film scene. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Reygadas studied law in Mexico and was a member of the Mexican Foreign Service. Between 1998 and 1999 he shot four short films, teaching himself after being rejected from film school in Brussels. In 2000 he shot his first feature film, <Japón>, which received a special mention for the Camera d'Or at Cannes in 2002, and he competed again in 2005 (Battle in Heaven) and 2007, where <Silent Light> was awarded the Jury Prize. <Post Tenebras Lux> is his fourth and latest feature film.
  • Director Carlos REYGADAS 카를로스 레이가다스
  • Producer ROMANDIA Jaime, REYGADAS Carlos
  • Cast JIMENEZ CASTRO Adolfo, REYGADAS Rut, ACEVEDO Nathalia, REYGADAS Eleazar, TORRES Willebaldo
  • Screenplay REYGADAS Carlos
  • Cinematography ZABE Alexis
  • Production Design TAGLE Gerardo
  • Editor LOPEZ Natalia
  • Sound LAURENT Gilles
  • Production Company Nodream Cinema,Mantarraya Producciones,Le Pacte,The Match Factory,Topkapi
    Mexico Sultepec 47, Col. Hipodromo Condesa, Mexico D.F., CP 06170,Mexico Sultepec 47, Col. Hipodromo Condesa, Mexico D.F., CP 06170,France 5, Rue Darcet 75017 Paris,Germany Balthasarstrasse 79-81, 506,,,,

  • World Sales NDM
    Mexico Sultepec 47, Col. Hipodromo Condesa, Mexico D.F., CP 06170