

영화 정보

Gangs of Wasseypur Part 1&2

17th(2012) Midnight Passion


  • CountryIndia
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time320min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorColor
Program Note
<Gangs of Wasseypur> tells a story of vengence between two families that spans more than 60 years. It begins towards the end of colonial rule in India. Shahid Khan loots British trains, impersonating his rival, the legendary Sultana Daku. He becomes an outcast, and starts working at Ramadhir Singh’s colliery, only to set in motion a revenge battle that passes from generation to generation. Shahid’s son, the philandering Sardar Khan, vows to regain father’s honor, becoming the most feared man in Wasseypur. In contemporary times, the weed-adicted grandson, Faizal Khan, wakes up to this vengeance that his family has inherited. Staying true to its real-life roots, the film explores its revenge saga through the socio-political dynamic of erstwhile Bihar, North India, amongst the coal mining and scrap trade mafia of Wasseypur, a place obssessed with mainstream ‘Bollywood’ cinema.
An Indian film director, screenwriter, and actor Kashyap made his directorial debut with <Paanch> (2003). As a screenwriter, he wrote the scripts for the Academy Award-nominated Canadian film <Water> (2005). His feature film debut <Black Friday> won the Grand Jury Prize at the 3rd Annual Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (2005) and was a nominee for the Golden Leopard at the 57th Locarno International Film Festival. His other films includes <No smoking> (2007) and <That Girl in Yellow Boots> (2011).
  • Director Anurag KASHYAP 아누락 카시압
  • Producer MONGA Guneet, KASHYAP Anurag, BOHRA Sunil
  • Cast BAJPAYEE Manoj, CHADDHA Richa, SEN Reema
  • Production Company AKPFL

  • World Sales ELLE DRIVER
    France 66 rue de Miromesnil 75008 PARIS