

영화 정보


17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus

Social Criticism · Revenge · City/Urbanization  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2011
  • Running Time119min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Wakamatsu Koji, the most heretical and disputable film director in Japanese cinema, insists that he has made films in order to understand what is not understandable occurring in Japan. His filmography includes <United Red Army> (2008), based on the real story of Asama Sanso incident, the tragic self-destruction of the Japanese radical lefts and <Caterpillar> (2010), a critique for militarist nationalism. This time in <MISHIMA>, Wakamatsu’s latest subject is Yukio Mishima, the symbolic icon for Japanese radical right-wings. The film describes the last four years of Mishima; from the day when he organized a right-wing militia to oppose the leftist force, to November 25, 1970 when he called on a rise and committed hara-kiri in Tokyo headquarter of Japan’s Ground Self-Defence Forces. (YANG Shion)
He was born on April 1st in 1936 at Miyagi prefecture. He made his directorial debut for <Amai Wana> in 1963 and founded the Wakamatsu Production in 1965. He has created many notable works such as <Affairs Within Walls>, <Violated Angels>, and <Netorare Sosuke>. In 2005, he directed <Cycling Chronicles:Landscapes The Boy Saw>, which depicts via scenery images the heartfelt appeal of a boy, who killed his mother. <United Red Army>, his work in 2008 awarded the double prize, NETPAC and CICAE at Berlin. <Caterpillar> was awarded with silver bear of Berlin 2010. He has directed more than 100 films to date.
  • Director Koji WAKAMATSU 와카마츠 코지
  • Producer Wakamatsu Koji, Ozaki Noriko, Obinata Takahito
  • Cast Iura Arata, Terajima Shinobu, Mitsushima Shinosuke, Tamoto Soran
  • Screenplay Kakegawa Masayuki
  • Cinematography Tsuji Tomohiko, Mitsuwaka Yusaku
  • Production Design Miyamoto Masae
  • Editor Sakamoto Kumiko
  • Sound Yoshida Noriyoshi
  • Music Itabashi Fumio
  • Production Company Skhole
    Japan 5-12-17,Sendagaya,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo

  • World Sales Wild Bunch
    France 99 rue de la Verrerie 75004 Paris - France