

영화 정보

Love Epic

17th(2012) Special Programs in Focus

Love/Romance · Social Criticism · Tradition  

  • CountryAfghanistan
  • Production Year1986
  • Running Time160min
  • Format (Digi)Beta
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Sharif, a brave young man and Mazari, a beautiful young lady, love each other but they are from feuding tribes. Mazari’s father is defeated in the two tribes’ annual face-off and he tries to make use of the young couple’s love to devise a scheme; using the marriage with her daughter as a bait, he makes Sharif fight against his tribe. This is the first Afghan film in color so no wonder it is full of beautiful images and romance triggered by secret love. On the other hand, it also realistically criticizes the unjust customs and old conflicts strangling Afghanistan with amazing powerfulness. That is why the film is not just a tragedy of a young couple but also that of Afghan people. (CHO Young-jung)
Born in 1950 in Kabul finished his studies in engineer in 1975 and founded Ariana Film Production in the same year. He has since then produced a number of advertising films and worked as a cameraman. In 1982 he produced the feature film <Farar> and in 1986 <Parandaha-ye Mohajer>. From 1986 to 1992 he was the director of the state-run film production company Afghan Films and returned to Afghan Films as a director again in 2004.
  • Director Latif AHMADI 라티프 아흐마디
  • Cast ARASH Nemat, ARASH Sabera, FAROUKH Qader
  • Cinematography RAMAQ Wahid
  • Production Company Afghan Films
    Afghanistan Great Massoud Ave 2. Kabul