

영화 정보

The Patience Stone

17th(2012) World Cinema

Literature · Women · Psychology  

  • CountryFrance,Germany,Afghanistan
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time98min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
In some place like Afghanistan, a woman taking care of her war-injured comatose husband begins to confess to him everything that is in her heart. In the beginning, she merely prays for his recovery, then as time wears on, she eventually begins speaking of things which she could never say otherwise. As these pour out of her, the husband takes upon the role of the "patience stone", which in Persian folklore absorbs the plight of those that confide in it. In this unique way, the film depicts the conditions faced by women in Islamic society. After her relatives go away, the young woman is left alone with her children. As time goes by, it turns out that the reason why she stays beside him is to release her sorrow. Her husband is forced to listen to everything, including her criticisms against him, and in an ironic turnaround is helpless against her. The screenplay is mostly a monologue and Atiq Rahimi, the novelist who won Le Prix Goncourt, France′s greatest literary awards, in 2008, directed him self the film. (RHEE, Soue-won)
Writer and filmmaker Atiq Rahimi is a famous representative of Afghan culture in Europe. A former student of a Franco-Afghan high school in Kabul, Rahimi fled his country for France in 1984. Author of several documentary films, Rahimi considers cinema a universal language, but was moved to writing (Earth and Ashes) when the Taliban took power in Kabul in 1996. He then later adapted his story to the cinema in 2004, and it was presented at Cannes to a glowing reception.
  • Director Atiq RAHIMI 아티크 라히미
  • Producer FARSI Hani
  • Cast FARAHANI Golshifteh, DJAVADAN Hamid, MROWAT Massi, BURGAN Hassina
  • Screenplay CARRIERE Jean-Claude , RAHIMI Atiq
  • Cinematography ARBOGAST Thierry
  • Production Design PRIB Erwin
  • Editor DE LUZE Herve
  • Music RICHTER Max
  • Production Company The Film
    France Hotel de Retz 9 rue Charlot 75003 Paris

  • World Sales Le Pacte
    France 5, rue Darcet 75017 Paris