

영화 정보

The White

5th(2000) Wide Angle

Road Movie · Coming of Age · True Story · Environment · Psychology  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year1999
  • Running Time118 min
  • Format 35mm
  • Colorcolor
Program Note
This film, made by one man alone, is the story of one man crossing the coldest region in Japan in the middle of a freezing cold winter. Beginning with the loose rhythm of jazz, The White is a unique documentary about a person who is set against the scenes of winter. Katsuyuki Hirano takes off on his journey of 2328 km crossing Hokkaido on December 1st, 1998. All he has are the minimum necessities, a bicycle, and the video camera to record his adventure. His journey of riding a bicycle during the day and setting up a tent at night is lonely yet witty. Also his journey leads the audience to the state of innocence as the film progresses. The film has just the snowy landscapes of winter and the director who goes in front and behind the camera. As the camera points at the landscape, the film looks at the inside of the director. Set against the landscape of winter, The White casts a question on the nature of the cinema of catching the inside and outside of the human being, and about the human being who sets the goal and achieves it. (Kwon Yong-Min)
Katsuyuki Hirano
Born in Shizuoka prefecture in 1964, Katsuyuki Hirano shifted his interests to filmmaking when he was 18. After being invited to the Pia Film Festival three years in a row, he made his debut as a commercial director, making X-rated videos. In 1997, he made his first theatrical release with Yumika. Next year, his second film, Encyclopedia of a Drifter, was theatrically released. And finally in 1999, The White concluded his ′Cycling Across Hokkaido Triology.
  • Director Katsuyuki Hirano 히라노 카츠유키
  • Producer Takaharu Yasuoka, Kaoru Adachi
  • Screenplay Katsuyuki Hirano
  • Cinematography Katsuyuki Hirano
  • Editor Katsuyuki Hirano
  • Music Yuji Kitano
  • Production Company V & R Planning
    Urbanest Komazawa, 2F Kamaqawa Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0012, Japan

  • World Sales Yasuoka Films
    #502 5-32-6 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 151-0051 Japan