

영화 정보


2nd(1997) World Cinema

Love/Romance · Suspense/Mystery · Psychology  

  • CountryUnited States
  • Production Year1997
  • Running Time93min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Madeleine, a middle-aged English actress, is locked in a struggle with her American husband over their adopted daughter. He career is at an impasse and her marriage is ending. Meanwhile, Oliver, a downsized IBM executive, is living in a homeless shelter. On a typical winter Sunday, Madeleine spies a man who she believes to be Matthew delacorta, a famous film director. she accost Oliver withe the words: “You’re Matthew Delacorta.” This simple phrase, innocent or not, sweeps these tow strangers into a labyrinth of mystery, deception, romance and desire.
Jonathan Nossiter
Born in 1961. he studied at Beaux-Arts in Paris and at San Francisco Art Institute. He was an assistant director of Adrian Lyne with Fatal Attraction and co-produced documentaries in western Africa. His films include the documentaries Resident Alien (1992) and Searching for Arthur Penn (1997).
  • Director Jonathan Nossiter 조나단 노시터
  • Cast Danio Suchet, Lisa Harrow, Larry Pine
  • Screenplay James Lasdun, Jonathan Nossiter
  • Cinematography Michael Barrow
  • Production Design Deewa Sydeny
  • Editor Maoeline Gavin
  • World Sales Curb International