

영화 정보

A Smile

8th(2003) Critics' Choice

Women · Biography · Impaired  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time98m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
So-jung, a bright, young freelance photographer, is about to leave for America with her caring boyfriend Ji-seok. A crisis comes upon her when she learns that she is gradually losing her eyesight due to a pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Although she knows that she cannot face this catastrophe by herself, she leaves Ji-seok. After a long time of anguish, she decides to give up her photography and devote herself to learning to fly a light aircraft. Why does she turn away from her family and her lover when she needs them the most? What does a true life mean to her? A Smile describes this disparity and her crisis over the incurable disease with humor, affection and sincerity. The film presents a new direction in realism for the Korean Cinema and it heralds the arrival of a talented new woman director.
Park Kyung-hee
Born in 1965, Park studied film in Korean Academy of Film Arts. Her debut was with 16mm short film [From Midnight Till Dawn], and it was invited to Pia Film Festival in Japan. She gained experience while she worked for Park Kwang Su in [They Are Also Like Us](1990). She was also a assistant director for Yim Soon Rye’s [Three Friends](1996). [A Smile] is her first feature.
  • Director Park Kyung-hee 박경희
  • Producer Kim Suk-ku 김석구 Yim Soon-rye 임순례
  • Cast Choo Sang-mee 추상미 Song Il-gon 송일곤 Cho Sung-ha 조성하
  • Screenplay Park Kyung-hee 박경희
  • Cinematography Lim Jae-soo 임재수
  • Editor Park Yoo-kyung 박유경