

영화 정보

In Expectation

8th(2003) Special Programs in Focus

Family · Love/Romance · Psychology  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time96min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In Expectation won the "New Currents Award′ at the 1st PIFF in 1996 and received critical acclaim for improving the quality of Chinese independent films during the mid 90s with the exquisite combination of realist style and in-depth description of characters′ psychology. Mai Qiang, in his 30s, lives a quiet life working at a lighthouse in Wu San, traversed by the Yangtze River. But he begins to expect something to happen in his life when he meets Chen Qing, a young widow who works in a hotel and lives with her son. Director Zhang Ming describes the lives of ordinary Chinese living in contemporary society and also the psychological changes within Mai Qiang and Chen Qing. Lao Mo, the hotel manager, Wu Gang, a young police office in charge of investigating Mai Qiang, and Ma Fina. a friend who tries to improve Mai Qiang′s life, play important roles building the relationship between Mai Qiang and Chen Qing. They reflect general relationships of the Chinese. In Expectation tells us people can find value in their lives only when they find the hope in their relationships and have dreams. (Kim Ji-seok)
Ming Zhang
Born in Eastern Sichuan Province, China in 1961. Pursued graduate studies in directing at the Beijing Film Academy. From 1991 to 1994, Zhang Ming made a number of short TV series while teaching classes in Audio-Visual Language at the Film Academy. <In Expectation> (1995) is his first full-length film.
  • Director Ming Zhang 장 밍
  • Producer Huang Yun Kai
  • Cast Zhang Xian Min, Zhong Ping, Wang Wen Qiang
  • Screenplay Zhu Wen
  • Cinematography Yao Xiao Feng, Zhou Ming, Ding Jian Cheng
  • Editor Zhang Ming, Liu Li Bing
  • Music Liu Feng