

영화 정보

Old Men

8th(2003) Special Programs in Focus

Adventure · True Story · Psychology  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year1999
  • Running Time94min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The landscape where a group of old people bathe in the sun under a wall is very ordinary in the residential areas of Beijing. Yang Lina suddenly stopped while passing by one. She told her accompanying friend that she would like to take a picture of the scene. She had a Sony digital camera and made this documentary. Lina Yang, soldier, majored in acting but she was an amateur in what she wanted to do here. She employed several specialists from a TV broadcasting company; By saying, "Come nearer", and "More closer to the camera", they began to arrange the elderly at. the shooting site. She didn′t want the shooting to go this way, so she sent them back. Then, she began to shoot the scenes for herself. After a couple of years, she finally ended up with tapes containing 180 hours of material. In the gradual movement of time, her camera left the old men′s last hope for life as a legacy. (Lin Xu-dong)
Born in 1972, in Baishan, China, Lina Yang studied dance and became a performer in the Jilin Son and Dance Troupe. From 1992-1995 she studied in the Department of Acting, at the Art Academy of the People′s Liberation Army (P.L.A) as an actress. In 1995 she joined the Modern Drama Troupe of the Chinese P.L.A. Old Men is her first film.
  • Director Lina YANG 양티엔어
  • Producer Yang Lina
  • Screenplay Yang Lina
  • Cinematography Yang Lina