

영화 정보

The Adjuster

8th(2003) Special Programs in Focus

Love/Romance · Eroticism · Psychology  

  • CountryCanada
  • Production Year1991
  • Running Time102m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Atom Egoyan′s fourth feature film, The Adjuster, is a haunting drama of emotional isolation and twisted morality. Elias Koteas is Noah Render, an insurance adjuster who doesn′t so much live his life as manage it-much like his attempts to handle and restore the damaged lives of his clients, whose homes have been destroyed by fire. His methods are unorthodox: setting clients up in the same "victim′s motel," sleeping with many of them, and exploiting them in other ways. At home, Noah neglects his wife Hera, who workes as a film censor, and her pornography obsessed sister Seta. When this odd family collides with a perverse couple with more money than sense, everyone′s carefully orchestrated lives quickly begin to disintegrate. Brilliantly shot in CinemaScope and elevated further by a superb Canadian cast, The Adjuster is an assured, intricate and entertaining film; it stands as a defining moment in Egoyan′s career.
Born in Cairo and raised in Victoria, Atom Egoyan studied international relations at the University of Toronto and is a director of television, theater, and art installation as well as film. As a producer, writer, and editor he is Canada’s pre-eminent auteur filmmaker. His filmography includes [Next of Kin] (1984), [The Adjuster] (1991), [Exotica] (1994), the Oscar- and Palme d’Or-nominated [The Sweet Hereafter] (1997), [Ararat] (2002), and [Where the Truth Lies] (2005).
  • Director Atom EGOYAN 아톰 에고얀
  • Producer Camelia Friberg
  • Cast Elias Koteas Gabrielle Rose Jeniffer Dale Maury Chaykin
  • Cinematography Paul Sarossy
  • Editor Susan Shipton
  • Music Mychael Danna