

영화 정보

Flower & Garnet

8th(2003) Special Programs in Focus

Family · Crime/Violence · Love/Romance  

  • CountryCanada
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time104m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Eight-year old Garnet and his sixteen-year old sister Flower have grown up in an environment of stifled grief. Their mother died unexpectedly while giving birth to Garnet and since then their father Ed manages to put food on the table, but mostly just goes through the motions of living. An awkward, isolated eight-year old, Garnet mutely examines the world he inhabits with a puzzled intensity. Garnet′s sixteen-year old sister Flower, who has cared for him like a mother since his birth, is finding the task increasingly burdensome. Parched for affection, Flower takes the first chance she gets and runs off with her new boyfriend Carl. Forced to become a real parent to Garnet, Ed buys Garnet a BB gun. When Garnet turns out to be a skilled marksman, Ed shows the first real affection and enthusiasm he has ever expressed for the boy. But by introducing Garnet to the power of killing, Ed unwittingly pushes his already fragile son further toward the edge.
Keith Behrman began his career as a filmmaker with the short film Thomas (1994), which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, won the Judges’ Prize at the Northwest Film and Video Festival and appeared on CBC’s Canadian Reflections. His third short film, Ernest (2000) premiered the Toronto International Film Festival and was awarded Honourable Mention for the John Spotten Award for Best Short Film. Keith is an alumnus of the Director’s Residency program of the Canadian Film Centre and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Simon Fraser University.
  • Director Keith BEHRMAN 키이스 버만