

영화 정보

Line 1

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus

· Crime/Violence · Social Criticism  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year1988
  • Running Time99min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Young Nathalie leaves her rural hometown to fulfill her dreams in the city. Her first order of business is to locate Johnny, a rock star she once met and who told her that she would be welcome to contact him if and when she was ever in Berlin. She gets lost on the subway, and as she travels from station to station, she meets an assortment of Berliners - all of whom struggle and muddle through a hopeless world. She meets punks, dealers, sadistic schoolgirls and desperate homeless people from all walks of life as she hunts in vain for the hard-to-locate rock star. Unlikely as it may seem, the film has a happy ending, and an unusual route to getting there. Like many of Hauff′s films, his examination of present-day Germany involves looking at its past. Line 1 includes a condemnation of Nazi sympathizers: the war widows we meet hide any evidence of their husbands′ crimes and live off fat pensions provided by the military. Line 1 is based on the musical play by Volker Ludwig and the GRIPS Theatre.
Reinhard HAUFF
Born in Marburg, Germany in 1939, Reinhard Hauff did much of his earliest work in television. He has been assistant director to Rolf von Sydow, Heinz Liessendahl and Michael Pfleghar, and in 1973 he founded a production company, Bioskop Film, with Volker Schlöndorff. Among his films are The Revolt (1969), Fuses (1974), Ten Days in Calcutta (1984), and the Golden Bear-winning Stammheim (1986). He is currently director of the Film and Television Academy-Berlin.
  • Director Reinhard HAUFF 라인하르트 하우프
  • Producer Eberhard Junkersdof
  • Cast Thomas Ahrens / Hark Bohm / Inka Victoria Groetschel
  • Screenplay Reinhard Hauff / Volker Ludwig
  • Cinematography Frank Bruhne
  • Production Design Benedikt Herforth / Matthias Fischer-Dieskau
  • Editor Peter Przygodda
  • Sound Ralf Krause / Christian Moldt
  • Music Birger Heymann
  • Production Company Neue Bioskop Film Gmbh
    Rosenheimer strasse 143 81671 Munchen, Germany

  • World Sales Neue Bioskop Film Gmbh
    Rosenheimer strasse 143 81671 Munchen, Germany