

영화 정보


9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus

Love/Romance · Comedy · Psychology  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time93min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
A young woman and a young man live together in an apartment possessing an oppressive silence. He is a failed writer, happy to sit on the sofa all day reading. She is full of life and energy and in defiance, goes out dancing all night. Each time she returns, she faces the same infuriating silence. She needs and wants more, and he has no interest in what lies beyond their home. The more she pushes, forces, and threatens, the deeper he sinks into paralyzing fear, In spite of this, they manage to maintain a status quo - until she brings home her lover. Nightsongs is about a modern couple and hurdles they face. It is about a relationship and its inability to withstand the demands made on it. The young couple′s is a story that lacks hope. The woman is torn between staying and trying to make it work, and an impulse to flee. Based on the drama by Jon Fosse, the film is a tragic love story without screaming, histrionics, sex, or a happy ending.
Of French nationality, Romuald Karmakar was born in Wiesbaden in 1965. He made a series of documentaries exploring a wide range of subject matter including boxers and dog and cock fighting. He received international acclaim with his first feature Der Totmacher(Deathmaker) in 1995. He made his second feature Das Frankfurter Kreuz(1997) as part of Arte? “The year 2000 as seen by...” project.
  • Director Romuald KARMAKAR 로무알트 카마카르
  • Producer Romuald Karmakar
  • Cast Frank Giering / Anne Ratte-Polle / Marthe Keller
  • Screenplay Romuald Karmakar, Martin Rosefeldt
  • Cinematography Fred Schuler
  • Production Design Heidi Ludi
  • Editor Patricia Rommel
  • Sound Frank Kruse
  • Production Company Pantera film gmbh
    Uhlandstr. 160 10719 berlin, germany

  • World Sales Bavaria film international
    Bavariafilmplatz 8 82031 Geiselgasteig, germany