

영화 정보

Traces of Stones

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus

Love/Romance · Women · Psychology  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year1965
  • Running Time138min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
Hannes Balla is the popular foreman on a construction site. He ensures his crew is paid fairly -and on time. Things run smoothly until the day two newcomers arrive on the site: attractive young - and female - technician Kati Klee and the new party secretary Werner Horrath. Werner′s abilities and disposition threaten Hannes′ place as king of the site and shake his unassailable reputation and unshakeable confidence. At the same time, Kati convinces Hannes to let his guard down a bit and let his own personality, his real nature, come through. While all this workplace tension is building, the two men each fall in love with Kati. Werner has a wife and child in Rostock, but he remains undecided and deceives himself into believing that his actions are for his work. The lies and indecision eventually catch up to all three of them, and destroy what began as a relationship beneficial to them all.
Frank Beyer was born in Nobitz, Germany in 1932. He studied in Prague at FAMU, and went on to work as a director at the DEFA Studio in Babelsberg. He was forced to resign when Traces of Stones (1966) was deemed anti-government. He worked in East German television until he returned to the DEFA in 1974. Among his films are Five Cartridges (1960), Naked Among Wolves (1963), Jacob the Liar (1976), The Hiding Place (1978), and The Turning Point (1983).
  • Director Frank BEYER 프랑크 바이어
  • Cast Manfred Krug / Krystyna Stypulkowska / Eberhard Esche
  • Screenplay Karl-Georg Egel
  • Cinematography Guenter Marczinkowsky
  • Production Design Harald Horn
  • Editor Hildegard Conrad-Noeller
  • Music Wofram Heicking
  • Production Company DEFA c/o progrres film-verleih Gmbh
    Immanuelkirchstr. 1410405 Berlin, germany

  • World Sales DEFA c/o progrres film-verleih Gmbh
    Immanuelkirchstr. 1410405 Berlin, germany