

영화 정보

The Travelling Players

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus

Music/Dance · Politics/Conspiracy · Revenge  

  • CountryGreece
  • Production Year1975
  • Running Time230min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
Between the turbulent years of 1939 and 1952, a traveling drama troupe jourmeys from province to province, village to village, performing Persiadis′ Golfo the Shepherdess. The increasingly impoverished actors relationship to each other is like an Aeschylus tragedy and each member has his or her ideological color: collaborator, opportunist, centrist, leftist, communist and apolitical. And they play out their dramatic roles off stage as well, as a betraying wife, aimless general and vengeful son. The Travelling Players is an epic film revealing the chaotic years around the Second World War. It is comprised of a series of individual tableaux, with context and comment coming from songs, personal monologues or slogans written on walls. The history unfolding around the players is recapitulated in symbols, and though the players never have a chance to finish the play, the sheep painted on their theater cloth witness years of bloodshed and misery. As the company unknowingly begins to act out parts of Aeschylus, we see that The Travelling Players is about the world just beyond the stage.
Born in Athens, Greece, Theo Angelopoulos studied law before attending the IDHEC in Paris. He worked as a film critic before completing his first film in 1970, [Reconstruction], which won him international acclaim at Berlin. His filmography includes [Eleni] (2004), [Eternity and a Day] (1998), [Ulysses’ Gaze] (1995), [The Beekeeper] (1986), and [Days of 36] (1972).
  • Director Theo ANGELOPOULOS 테오 앙겔로풀로스
  • Producer Giogos Papalios
  • Cast Eva Kotamanidou / Aliki Georgouli / Stratos Pachis
  • Screenplay Theo Angelopoulos
  • Cinematography Giorgio Arvanitis
  • Production Design Mikes Karapiperis
  • Editor Takis Davlopoulos / Giorgos Triantafillou
  • Sound Thanassis Arvanitis
  • Music Loukianos Kilaidonis
  • Production Company Greek film centre
    10, panepistimiou st, 106 71 athens, greece

  • World Sales Greek film centre
    10, panepistimiou st, 106 71 athens, greece