

영화 정보

Voyage to Cythera

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus

· Adventure · History  

  • CountryGreece
  • Production Year1983
  • Running Time137min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Once again Angelopoulos turns to Greek myth as a foundation, and makes it relate to contemporary Greece. An old man retums from a 32-year Soviet exile, a symbol of the country′s leftist past. He is befriended by a young man, a filmmaker who is tired of the fundamental falsity of his job. The old man finds himselir out or sync with the new Greece and it is quite possible the new Greece is not ready to deal with what the old man represents about it. Nationless, homeless, the old man eventually heads out into the open sea with is loyal and accepting wife - virtual strangers to each other now. The old man, his wife, and the young filmmaker are a latter-day Odysseus, Penelope and Telemachus respectively. But whereas Odysseus was at the end of his journey, this old man is at the beginning. According to myth, Cythera is an island where one can concentrate solely on happiness, and the film is a joumey to a place in history where Greek history meets Greek myth.
Born in Athens, Greece, Theo Angelopoulos studied law before attending the IDHEC in Paris. He worked as a film critic before completing his first film in 1970, [Reconstruction], which won him international acclaim at Berlin. His filmography includes [Eleni] (2004), [Eternity and a Day] (1998), [Ulysses’ Gaze] (1995), [The Beekeeper] (1986), and [Days of 36] (1972).
  • Director Theo ANGELOPOULOS 테오 앙겔로풀로스
  • Producer Giorgos Samiotis
  • Cast Manos Katrakis / Giullo Brogi / Mary Chronopoulou
  • Screenplay Theo Angelopoulos / Tonino Guerra / Thanassis Valtinos
  • Cinematography Yorgos Arvanitis
  • Production Design Mikes Karapiperis
  • Editor Giorgos Triantafillou
  • Sound Thanassis Arvanitis / Dinos Kittou /Kinos achladis
  • Music Eleni Karaindrou
  • Production Company Greek film centre
    10, panepistimiou st, 106 71 athens, greece

  • World Sales Greek film centre
    10, panepistimiou st, 106 71 athens, greece