

영화 정보

The City Bus

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryIndonesia
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time21min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The capital of indonesia is Jakarta, and it is the third most polluted city in the world - as well as one of the most populous. As such, the city is abligated to provide enough public transit to meet the demands of its twenty million residents. Filmmaker Lulu Ratna takes us on a tour of and through the driving insaity and opprtunity out on jakarta's streets and transit where the ultimate goal is survival.
Lulu Ratna was born in Jakarta in 1972 and studied anthropology at the University of Indonesia. She has worked at almost all levels of film and television, including production manager, researcher, scriptwriter, director, festival manager and event organizer. As the founder of the Konfiden Foundation and the new Boemboe, she is active in promoting Indonesian short films around the world. Her filmography includes [Parting] (2000), [Crooswijk] (2004) and [My Right Wing] (2004).
  • Director Lulu RATNA 루루 라트나
  • Producer Karel Doing
  • Screenplay Lulu Ratna
  • Cinematography I Gusti Ketut P
  • Editor Syarif hidayat
  • Sound Slank
  • Production Company Mao Manda Sajo films
    Jl. Mampang Prapatan XVI no 28 Jakarta INDONESIA 12760

  • World Sales Boemboe