

영화 정보

Novel without R

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryIndonesia
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time80min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Drum has lost almost everything. His mother died when he was three, and his father met with an accident when he was 17. He parlays his personal tragedy into a successful career as a criminal photojournalist for a daily paper. Drum reports on the misery of society until he is unable stop thinking about his role in creating a lurid commodity. Meeting the critical college student Ari brings his forgotten traumas to the surface, and forces a violent enlightenment before Drum heads out to find his new life.
Aria Kusumadewa was born in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia in 1963. He received his formal degree from the Jakarta Art Institute, in cinematography. His work is heavily influenced by his life on the streets, where he lived after having left home in the eighth grade. A champion of filmmaking outside of the safe Indonesian television film production industry, his films include [The Lost Smile] (1990), [My Man and My Woman] (1996), [A Present For The President] (1999), and [Beth] (2000).
  • Director Aria KUSUMADEWA 아리아 쿠수마데와
  • Producer Lola Amaria
  • Cast Lola Amaria / Faisal Kamarullah / Fahrani
  • Screenplay B.E Raisuli
  • Cinematography Fauzi Wahyudi
  • Production Design Aria Kusumadewa
  • Editor Aria Kusumadewa
  • Sound Trisno
  • Music Fahmi Alatas
  • Production Company TiT's Film Workshop
    JL. Jatipadang, Kebagusan Raya Gg Damai No 61C ps Minggu Jakarta Selatan Jakarta INDONESIA

  • World Sales TiT's Film Workshop
    JL. Jatipadang, Kebagusan Raya Gg Damai No 61C ps Minggu Jakarta Selatan Jakarta INDONESIA