

영화 정보

Yasujiro's Journey

9th(2004) Special Programs in Focus


  • CountryIndonesia
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time60min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In 1942, a Zero Sentoki crashes in Indonesia. Although the pilot, Yasujiro Yamada, survives the crash, he has never been found. Half a century later, in 2002, the grandson of the pilot, also named Yasujiro Yamada, comes to Indonesia in search of his grandfather. But like his grandfather, mysteriously, the grandson also disappears.
Faozan RIZAL
Faozan Rizal was born in Tegal, Central Java where he learned traditional dancing and became a dancer for 8 years. Faozan then graduated from Jakarta Institute of Art and La Fémis in Paris, where he focused mainly on experimental and surrealist film. Faozan then became a master of Indonesian experimental film after concluding many works in short film and video art.
  • Director Faozan RIZAL 파오잔 리잘