

영화 정보

Brothers in Trouble

2nd(1997) World Cinema

Urbanization · Literature · Capitalism · Labor  

  • CountryUK
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time102min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
From the moment that Amir arrives illegally in England from Pakistan, packed in a vegetable crate, nothing is as he expected. Instead of streets paved with gold, he finds himself holed up in a dismal house in the north of England with seventeen other ′illegals′ (all men), who dare not use the electric light for the fear of discovery, existing in a twilight world of agents and police informers. Based of Abdullah Hussein′s novel "Return Journey," which draws on the real experiences of many immigrants to Britain from the sub-continent in the 1960s, Brothers in Trouble breaks new ground in lifting the veil on the lives of this first generation of immigrants who come to Britain with positive spirits, to find out that the streets were not exactly paved with gold.
Udayan Prasad
Udayan Prasad came to the UK from India at the age of nine , and subsequently went to art school in Leeds and The National Film and Television School. He made a number of successful TV productions. Filmography: Brothers in Trouble(1996) My Son the Fanatic(1997)
  • Director Udayan Prasad 우다얀 프라사드
  • Producer Robert Buckler
  • Cast Om Ruri, Angeline Bau Pavan Malhotra
  • Screenplay Rob Buckler
  • Cinematography Alan Armond
  • Production Design Chris Townsend
  • Editor Barrie Uince
  • Sound Roger Slater
  • Music Stephen Warbeck
  • World Sales Jane Balfour Films Ltd.
    Burghley House 35 Fortess Road London NW5 1AD England