

영화 정보

The Red Doors

2nd(1997) A Window on Asian Cinema

Urbanization · Social Criticism · Psychology  

  • CountryIndia
  • Production Year1996
  • Running Time95min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The Red Doors is a psychodrama about a middle aged dentist who has closed the door to his mind. Nabin is obsessed with his stiffening body, connecting this to his estranged wife, Nabin looks at the life of his chauffeur Dinu, a happy man, coping well with two wives. Dasgupta connects Nabin′s uneasy mental state with the desolation of Calcutta, where murders occur in bundles. The solution lies in Nabin′s childhoood. Memories of a father who was easy to talk to, the mountains and fields, and a ladybug named "Red Door" help to free his mind. Nabin reopens the door to his mind by repeating the requests recited to the ladybird held in his hand when he was young. (Kim Ji-Seok)
Buddhadeb Dasgupta
Born in 1944 in Anar, India, Buddhadeb Dasgupta is a celebrated Bengali poet and novelist whose work has been translated throughout the world. His films include [Distance](1978), [Crossroads](1982), [Blind Alley](1984), [The Return](1986), [The Tiger Man](1989), [Their Story](1992), [The Shelter of the Wings](1993), [The Red Door](1996), [The Wrestlers](2000), and [A Tale of a Naughty Girl](2002). His films have been awarded honors at the Istanbul, Venice, and Fribourg international film festivals. He was named Best Director for his film, [The Wrestlers], at the 2000 Venice Film Festival and 2002 Indian National Awards.
  • Director Buddhadeb Dasgupta 부다뎁 다스굽타
  • Producer Chitrani Lahiri
  • Cast Subhendu Chatterjee, Gulsan Ara Akhtar, Raisul Islam Asad
  • Screenplay Buddhadeb Dasgupta
  • Cinematography Venu
  • Production Design Ashoke Bose
  • Editor Ujjal Nandi
  • Music Bappi Lahiri
  • World Sales Sanirema Audio Pvt. Ltd.
    Triton 101, 1st FI., A.B. Nair Rd., Juhu Mumbai 400049 India