

영화 정보

Little Joe

24th(2019) World Cinema


  • CountryAustria,UK,Germany
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time105min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Alice (Emily BEECHAM) is a bioengineer who develops new species in her laboratory. She smuggles out her new plant to her home, decides to grow it with her son, Joe, and names it Little Joe. But no one expected the impact of the Little Joe on her, his son, and the world.
Although the movie drew attention as it won the best actress award in Cannes by Emily BEECHAM, the Austrian director Jessica HAUSNER’s extraordinary directing skills are also noteworthy. It captures inner anxiety and tension in the form of a thriller genre. Using a movie language, the film challenges to express "Someone I Know But Hard to Express in Words". Fully calculated angle, bold camera walking, and the magic of the red "Little Joe" pops out under restrained lighting. It’s a must-see movie on the screen, and you won’t be able to take your eyes off the first scene. (Mann Kim)
Born in Vienna, Austria, Jessica Hausner studied filmmaking at the Filmakademie of Vienna, where she completed her first award-winning shorts. Her filmography includes Lourdes (2009) Tischlein Deck Dich (2006), Hotel (2004), Friendly Alien (2003), Lovely Rita (2001), Cinéfondation Prix du Jury-winner Inter-View (1999), and Flora (1996).
  • Director Jessica HAUSNER 예시카 하우스너
  • Producer Bruno WAGNER, Bertrand FAIVRE, Philippe BOBER
  • Cast Emily BEECHAM, Ben WHISHAW, Kerry FOX, Kit CONNOR, David WILMOT, Phénix BROSSARD, Sebastian HÜLK, Lindsay DUNCAN
  • Screenplay Géraldine BAJARD
  • Cinematography Martin GSCHLACHT
  • Production Design Katharina WÖPPERMANN
  • Editor Karina RESSLER
  • Sound Malcolm CROMIE, Erik MISCHIJEV
  • Production Company Coop99 FILMPRODUKTION,The Bureau,Essential Films

  • World Sales Coproduction Office
    France 24, Rue Lamartine 75009 PARIS