

영화 정보

The Song of Names

24th(2019) World Cinema

Music/Dance · War  

  • CountryCanada,Hungary
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time113min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Oscar Nominees Tim ROTH and Clive OWEN star in this emotional detective story spread over two continents and half a century. The Song of Names is about a man searching for his childhood best friend — a Polish violin prodigy orphaned in the Holocaust — who vanished decades before on the night of his first public performance. Beneath the film’s stunning and emotional musical revelation burn the horror of a war and the lost souls extinguished from history. A bold journey through friendship, betrayal and reconciliation culminating in the titular Song of Names, the film shows that within the darkest of mysteries sometimes only music has the power to illuminate the truth, heal and redeem. This touching human drama is based on the novel of the same name by Norman LEBRECHT.
François GIRARD
François GIRARD was born in St-Félicien, Québec, and began working in video in Montréal. He is renowned for his theater and opera work, as well as three productions for Cirque du Soleil. His films include the acclaimed Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993), The Red Violin (1998), Silk (2007), and Boychoir (2014), Hochelaga, Land of Souls (2017)
  • Director François GIRARD 프랑수아 지라르
  • Producer Robert LANTOS, Lyse LAFONTAINE, Nick HIRSCHKORN
  • Cast Tim ROTH, Clive OWEN, Gerran HOWELL, Jonah HAUER-KING, Misha HANDLEY, Luke DOYLE, Marina HAMBRO
  • Screenplay Jeffrey CAINE
  • Cinematography David FRANCO
  • Production Design Francois SEGUIN
  • Editor Michel ARCAND
  • Music Howard SHORE
  • Production Company SERENDIPITY POINT FILMS

  • World Sales Sony Pictures Classics
    United States